Juneau Order Cycle

Vendors may add more items or alter quantities at any time during the cycle. Members can place orders between noon on Friday and Wednesday at 8pm. On Wednesday, pick-tickets go out to Vendors and Members receive order confirmations. Thursday is Distribution Day where members either pick up their orders or have it delivered (be sure to add delievery during checkout).


  • Friday – Shopping cycle opens at noon

  • Saturday – Shopping cycle open

  • Sunday – Shopping cycle open

  • Monday – Shopping cycle open

  • Tuesday – Shopping cycle open

  • Wednesday – Shopping cycle open to members until 8:00pm, then Pick-tickets sent to vendors, Order confirmations sent to members.

  • Thursday – Distribution Day

    • 8:30AM - 4:00PM: Vendors deliver items purchased directly to Salt & Soil Offices - drop-offs must occur by to 4:00pm.

    • 4:30PM - 6:00PM: Members pick up orders at Salt & Soil Offices, or have their order delivered for $10. Please note that due to increased demand deliveries typically occur between 6:30pm - 8pm.

Distribution Location


We are located in the Cooperative Extension Services Suite of offices at:

712 W. 12th Street Suite. 1


$10 per order

Downtown PICKUP: